Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not Only LOOK better, FEEL better too!!!


Along with the abundance of the celebrity lifestyle comes over-indulgence. We've heard it a million times "Everything in Moderation." By living by this simple phrase, everything can fall into place. Everyone has had one of those nights where they have eaten two (or ten) too many cookies. Most of us have experienced an unpleasant headache caused by an unquenchable thirst the night before. Some of us have encountered an extremely stressful day on the job, or just "needed a break," giving in to a few cancer sticks. While we're all human, and sometimes give in to life's vices, we should not allow one bad day to become two, and so and so forth. Not only does it wreak havoc on our health, but it also causes extreme damage to the way we look!!

The difference in appearance is apparent with Lindsey Lohan, whose infamous party lifestyle has been exploited throughout the news.

Looking much older than twenty-six years of age, it is clear that overindulging in certain unhealthy behaviors, the young starlet has aged at a rapid rate.

-Loss of Sleep

...Obviously, these factors highly influence our appearance.

To see just how drastically unhealthy habits can affect our face, I have taken a look into some twin studies.

Can you tell by the fine lines and loss of skin elasticity which twin has been a life-long smoker?? Research shows that for every 10 years of smoking, a person looks 2.5 years older than their actual age. 

Excess alcohol consumption causes damage to blood vessels in the skin as well as destruction of collagen, leading to a greater appearance of wrinkles.

By simply getting 6-8 hours of sleep a night (each person is different), refraining from smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy diet, YOU can look years younger.

Visit for product information!! 

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